Have You Considered These Christmas Gifts?

“Some gifts are big, others are small. But the ones that come from the heart are the best gifts of all.” – Tinku Razoria

It’s December, so allow me to wish you a merry Christmas! Yes, I’m a “merry Christmas” kind of guy – being a person of faith, “happy holidays” or another generic greeting just doesn’t cut the fruitcake. Besides, after the year we’ve experienced, I want this season to far exceed “happy!”

Yes, 2020 has been challenging (to say the least). As an inspirational speaker, though, I endlessly search for silver linings in any situation (I’ve already written about some from 2020). Now, just in time for Christmas gift buying, are some related thoughts about what you can give others – probably not what you’d planned, but with potential for almost unlimited positive impact.

If 2020 taught us anything, it’s about what’s really important in life. The material things – having a nice car, a big house, the newest phone – dropped WAY down the list. They were replaced by hanging onto your job, or your health, or even the simple peace of mind that used to be a mainstay in America.

Yet, I don’t want the lessons of 2020 to go to waste! When you’re thinking about Christmas gifts this year, I ask you to consider different kinds of gifts – ones that won’t dent your pocketbook, and will reap an abundance of riches for both you and the recipients. Ready?

  • The first is hope which, I contend, is in serious short supply. No matter how dire things get, we are all immensely blessed. Let’s not lose sight of this, and draw hope from it. How can you share hope with others? Maybe, when someone asks how you’re doing, you say “Today has been a good day, and I know tomorrow will be even better?”
  • Next is kindness, needed now more than ever after a bitter election season. Kindness is so easy to share. Maybe start with small gestures, such as a friendly smile or holding the door open for someone. Who knows where it’ll lead?
  • How about time? COVID-19 forced most of us to slow down, which often meant spending more time with our families. Can anyone argue that this was not a good thing? Instead of looking forward to getting caught in the rat race again, how about planning to give more time to our loved ones?
  • The last one I call showing up. I’m not referencing the famous Woody Allen quote, but rather the value of showing up in other people’s lives. Why not call Mom on your way home from work tonight? You don’t think she’ll appreciate it? Or how about volunteering for a food bank, or an animal shelter, or another organization that needs help? There are plenty out there. Countless people have told me the time they find most rewarding is the volunteer hours they give helping others – in other words, showing up in other people’s lives.

I encourage you to give these gifts not just for Christmas, but throughout 2021. I promise the rewards you’ll receive for being kind, or sharing hope, or showing up in others’ lives, will be exponential. OK, it’s not something you can quantify. But you’ll know.

Christmas is filled with symbolism. For many, the birth of Christ offers a chance to be reborn as a person of refreshed spiritual health, with a new perspective infused by love and optimism of the Holy Spirit. To quote the apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians, Chapter 5, “… anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!”

For others, the spirit of Christmas promises a fresh start, a blank slate, a new beginning where everything is bright, open and waiting for them. The new year reinforces this mindset. After living through 2020, who among us isn’t ready for a mental and emotional cleansing?

Enjoy Christmas, and experience the thrill, and energy, and positivity of being reborn as you celebrate Christ’s birth, or allow the mood of the season to reshape your mental focus for the months ahead. If there’s a better start out there for the dawn of 2021, I’ve yet to hear it.

Paul M. Neuberger is President of The Starr Group, Founder/CEO of The Cold Call Coach, and a globe-trotting inspirational keynote speaker. Don’t miss his three-part webinar series, Paul’s Emergency Sales Kit, filled with timely instruction and advice for salespeople during a challenging period. Or, for an even deeper dive, try Cold Call University. Contact Paul at 414-313-8338 or via e-mail at paul@paulmneuberger.com.

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