Thankful? Abundantly So, in 2020!

It’s mid-November already! Where have the months gone?
Look around. Did you take time in recent weeks to appreciate the beautiful fall colors? Or a few remaining warm days to enjoy? Or, most of all, the wonderment of God’s amazing creation changing seasons yet again?
It’s almost enough to make you – dare I say it? – thankful!
I know that, for many of you, 2020 can’t end soon enough. It’s been a bizarre year on many fronts. A lot of people have lost jobs, business revenue or, worst of all, loved ones to the pandemic.
If you fall into one or more of these categories, please accept my heartfelt condolences. Know that I’m praying for an end to this insidious virus, and a return to health –physical, emotional and economic – for you, your loved ones, and our entire nation.
Yet Thanksgiving is right around the corner. This is usually a season of reflection, of taking stock of all we have, and realizing how immensely grateful we should be to God for all He has provided us.
This year could prove challenging for many. So I ask your indulgence while I mention a few things I’m thankful for – you among them – and close with an idea that might not be especially original, but I believe is more important than ever.
- Let’s just start with a weird one: I’m grateful for the pandemic. Yes, you read that correctly.
We all probably agree that, by and large, COVID-19 has been a huge headache – literally and figuratively. No arguing its negative impacts.
However, if you follow my blog, social media posts or presentations, you know I offer a unique mindset: Things don’t happen to you, they happen for you. Here’s an example.
Perhaps like many of you, the coronavirus forced me to spend more time with my family. Whether I welcomed it initially or not, in hindsight it’s been an unquestioned blessing.
This time together reminded me that I’m married to the world’s greatest wife and mother, Tanya Neuberger. The sheer wonderment of my three children, who are so amazing I’m still stunned I have anything to do with their existence, was reinforced over and over. I am an extremely, extremely fortunate husband and father.
- The coronavirus pandemic virtually stopped most networking events and face-to-face meetings. We had to rely almost completely on technology to meet new people and stay in touch.
It reminded me how thankful I am for my entire social media family, my thousands of followers on LinkedIn and all those who track my Facebook pages. Their comments and questions provide me unending inspiration, during a time when you literally can’t look another person in the eye.
I’m similarly thankful for all those who receive my e-mails and take the time to open and absorb their content. They’re immensely generous to do so. Trust me, as a guy with a young family who runs several businesses, I know the value of time.
- My book, “The Secrets of Cold Call Success,” came out in June. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine being a published author. I’m so thankful for all who helped with this project, and especially to all who have bought the book.
- Let’s talk anniversaries. My first business venture, the Cold Call Coach, turned five years old this year. Many new businesses don’t even see a first anniversary. I’m so thankful I’m able to teach people a subject I’m passionate about, and they want to hear it.
- Even more important, C Suite for Christ turns two years old in December. People said a faith-based group for executives and business people would never fly. Don’t cross those lines, they said.
Well, we did. Now the group’s LinkedIn page has nearly 8,000 followers, and our meetings are attended by hundreds across the globe. If I’m thankful for anything in my professional life, it’s this. We’re spreading God’s word, and His disciples are business people unafraid to share who they are. I’m grateful beyond words. It’s all God’s doing – not mine.
- Our nation has endured a divisive, unrelenting political season that strained relationships and took a toll on anyone who dared turn on the news. Yet, I’m thankful to live in a country that is a democracy, and where we enjoy unparalleled freedoms to share what we think and believe.
What did 2020 do for you? Did you find a way to give thanks amid the chaos? I’d love to hear your stories. E-mail them to me at I’ll share some on my different forums.
Finally, it’s said that this is a “season for giving thanks.” My wish for you is that every day is Thanksgiving, where we recognize how blessed we are and thank God for His never-ending generosity. We all have so much to be thankful for.
Let’s not limit our acknowledgment to just a certain time of year. Let’s give thanks every day of every year – even if some years just seem to be a lot harder than others.
Paul M. Neuberger is President of The Starr Group, Founder/CEO of The Cold Call Coach, and a globe-trotting inspirational keynote speaker. Don’t miss his three-part webinar series, Paul’s Emergency Sales Kit, filled with timely instruction and advice for salespeople during a challenging period. Or, for an even deeper dive, try Cold Call University. Contact Paul at 414-313-8338 or via e-mail at