Happy New Year – You’re Going to Die!

 In Article, Personal Growth


Happy New Year, You're going to die, written by Paul M. Neuberger, your event speaker.

“I said ‘Growing up leads to growing old and then to dying’
And dying to me don’t sound like all that much fun” – John Mellencamp

Is Mr. Mellencamp right? Hard to say. Until someone reports back after death, we’ll all wonder.

Regardless of whether dying is any “fun,” we’ll all face it eventually. Is this thought morbid? Odd? Uncomfortable?

I would argue “none of the above.” On the contrary, people should consider death.

Why? We, as a society, have an unhealthy obsession about death. Some people are so scared they won’t even think about it.

Well, here’s a news flash: Death is part of life. Your first inkling might be the passing of a childhood pet. Grow older, lose people close to you, and it becomes abundantly clear.

So let’s reframe the perception.

Every life has an expiration date. No one knows theirs. It might be in six weeks, or six months, or six years, or 60 years.

But consider this: If you knew when you’d die, wouldn’t it change how you live?

Let’s say you have two weeks left. You know this. How would you spend those 14 days?

Would you keep working long hours, or watching endless TV, or fretting over money? No!

Here’s what you’d probably do: Spend lots of time with loved ones. Tell close friends how much they mean to you. Reconnect with people with whom you’ve lost touch. Maybe take that trip you’ve always talked about, but never found the time.

Suffice to say, the stark reality would reorganize your priorities. You’d act on the realization that relationships are everything, especially family. You’d see procrastination as a non-starter. You’d squeeze every bit of goodness out of your remaining time.

In short, you’d live a life of meaning. You’d do everything possible to be remembered as a good person … because no one will care about the money you made, the cars you drove, or the house you lived in.

Well, friends, life has a way of zipping by. Time is fleeting, whether we realize it or not.

It’s healthy to realize we only have so many days left on Earth. Why not make the most of them?

It’s easy to say you’ll “do it tomorrow” – whether taking your kids for pizza, planning a night out with your spouse, or just calling someone to catch up on life. What if tomorrow never comes?

It’s a cliché, yet a true one: Live every day as if it’s your last.

Call me morbid, sick or twisted if you like. Death doesn’t scare me. Being a man of faith, I see it as an opportunity to reunite with God and His Son.

Before that day comes, though, I’ll do everything possible to love those closest to me, treat everyone with dignity, and make the world a better place. Yes, every day.

Want to join me? It’s not as hard as you might think. My next article will explore some core beliefs and practices that can help you live every day to its fullest.

And yes, it’s fun. Not “sound like” fun. Real fun. Hopefully, by the time we’re done, we’ll be singing the same song … and relishing every moment of every day.

(Paul M. Neuberger is President of The Starr Group, Founder/CEO of The Cold Call Coach, and a globe-trotting inspirational keynote speaker. Don’t miss his three-part webinar series, Paul’s Emergency Sales Kit, filled with timely instruction and advice for salespeople during a challenging period. Or, for an even deeper dive, try Cold Call University. Contact Paul at 414-313-8338 or via e-mail at pneuberger@starrgroup.com or coldcallcoachllc@gmail.com.)

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