Wintrust is Winning Through Cold Calling!

You won’t believe it when you read these numbers!

Based upon the incredible cold call success that Jay Mack’s team at Town Bank had as a result of my sales trainer tutelage last year, I was contacted by Jolie Horen and hired to work with the bankers at the Wintrust location in Chicago.

This team of world-class human beings recently completed my sales training program, which focused on:

  • How to make deep, meaningful connections with others
  • Ways in which they can offer profound value to benefit others
  • How to engage people at the relational level, as opposed to simply a transactional one
  • Other powerful lessons like these

Afterwards, all participants spent three weeks cold calling prospective partners to secure appointments. The numbers are staggering!

Over that time span, they:

  • Made 706 cold calls
  • Left 438 voicemails and received 67 call backs (15.3%)
  • Spoke with the Person of Interest 255 times
  • Scheduled 153 meetings with their POIs (60.0%)

All of this during a global pandemic, no less!

How transformative would these sales trainer results be for you and your sales team?

For more information on how to get in front of who you want, when you want, for whatever reason you want, contact me today and let’s get to work!

Paul M. Neuberger is President of The Starr Group, Founder/CEO of The Cold Call Coach, and a globe-trotting inspirational keynote speaker. Don’t miss his three-part webinar series, Paul’s Emergency Sales Kit, filled with timely instruction and advice for salespeople during a challenging period. Or, for an even deeper dive, try Cold Call University. Contact Paul at 414-313-8338 or via e-mail at

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