You won’t believe it when you read these numbers! Based upon the incredible cold call success that Jay Mack’s team at Town Bank had as a result of my sales trainer tutelage last year, I was [...]
The Intangibles Have It “People don’t buy what you do. They buy why you do it.” – Simon Sinek I love Simon Sinek. He’s an unending font of wisdom, delivered in a disarming low-key manner [...]
Lead With Emotion … Sell With Success! “Being different simply means you have something unique to offer the world.” – Have you ever tried the “Uncola?” Maybe [...]
Social Media Myth #6 People are Logical Buyers In this last myth about social media Paul tackles the belief that people are logical buyers who make decisions based on sound reasoning.
Social Media Myth #5 ONLY Connect with People that You KNOW A myth of social media says that you should only connect with people that you know. Paul understands the logic, but he doesn’t [...]
Dare to Be the Same? Yeah, That’ll Work! “Don’t be afraid of being different, be afraid of being the same as everyone else.” – Tumblr Inspirational Words Love Quotes Image courtesy of [...]
Be Legendary: Tips on How to Grow Your Business and Enrich Your Life Practical advice from some of the most innovative disruptors on the planet on how to take charge and thrive personally and [...]
Social Media Myth #4 NEVER Talk About Religion or Politics Social Media Myth #4 is easily Paul’s most controversial. It’s widely believed that you should never talk about religion or [...]
Social Media Myth #3 Use LinkedIn to Sell Your Products and Services There’s a myth of social media that says you should use LinkedIn to sell your products and services. Listen to why Paul [...]
Social Media Myth #2 Quantity is MORE Important than Quality We hear a lot about quantity being so important on social media. But is quantity more important than quality? Paul doesn’t think so.