A True Cold Call Warrior

 In Article, Personal Growth

Kenneth Lamster has been in sales nearly a decade, following a nine-year stint in banking. He and I connected on LinkedIn some time ago.

It’s said that there’s always something you don’t know about a person. They’ll find a way to surprise you. Boy, did Kenneth ever do so.

He recently sent me the below photo. It’s someone working on a laptop, right? If only it were so simple.

The image shows Kenneth working on his cold call script, using the format provided in my book, while undergoing dialysis. Wow. This is someone who’s dedicated to improving his craft, and not letting a major health challenge slow him down.

Did the script pay off? The numbers speak for themselves: He set 45 appointments over four consecutive weeks in February, yielding 170 percent over his sales quota for March 2022.

Kenneth bought and absorbed “The Secrets to Cold Call Success.” He put its principles to work. More so, he persevered while battling a health issue more serious than most of us will ever experience. My friends, he is a warrior.

I wish Kenneth absolute good health and continued success. His story is inspirational, to say the least.

If you’re not succeeding in cold calling, your script is probably a big reason why. “The Secrets to Cold Call Success” will guide you to craft a script that works. Why not buy a copy today, and start writing your own story?

Paul M. Neuberger is a globe-trotting inspirational keynote speaker and owner of four businesses, including The Cold Call Coach. Don’t miss his three-part webinar series, Paul’s Emergency Sales Kit, filled with timely instruction and advice for salespeople during a challenging period. Or, for an even deeper dive, try Cold Call University. Contact Paul at 414-313-8338 or via e-mail at paul@paulmneuberger.com.

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