TIME MANAGEMENT TIP#1 Be Strategic and Proactive the Night Before In this first video I will show you how to create a task list in advance to keep your day on track.
“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist, that is all.” – Oscar Wilde Time is our most precious commodity. It’s incredibly revealing, too. How we spend time reflects our [...]
“I said ‘Growing up leads to growing old and then to dying’ And dying to me don’t sound like all that much fun” – John Mellencamp Is Mr. Mellencamp right? Hard to say. Until someone [...]
“Rehearse your victories. Remembering the good things will make you strong.” – Joel Osteen Everyone has heart plaque. A bit won’t kill you. It’s normal. Obviously, you want to minimize heart [...]
“I believe that you can change a life with just one word.” Onew You’ve won the lottery (go with me on this, OK?). You’re rich beyond your dreams. No more financial fears. Life is suddenly very [...]
“In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.” Albert Camus If you’ve ever attended a late December football game in Green Bay, Wis., chances are you might [...]
Do you think life can be hard at times? In this video, Paul talks about the differences of your standing determining your identity and your identity determining your standing.
Is email weighing you down? In this video, Paul M. Neuberger discusses the challenges we all face with email and some different ideas on how to deal with it.
Are you plastic or are you metal? In this video, Paul M. Neuberger talks about changing your perspective and the differences on how to look at things and the ways to approach them.