Cold Call Training
Warm Up Your Cold Calling…and Heat Up Sales Success!
Cold calling stops most sales professionals cold.
Regardless of how many years they’ve been selling, most sales reps would rather do something … anything … besides cold call prospects.
Using numbers alone, it’s easy to see why. The average cold call success rate is less than 5 percent. Who wants to fail more than 95 percent of the time?
Let’s dig deeper: Why are they failing?
Paul M. Neuberger, a.k.a. The Cold Call Coach, has answers … and solutions. He’s taught thousands how to successfully employ this misunderstood sales practice. His customized cold call training will transform your sales outreach from drudgery to dynamic.
Paul personalizes his cold call training to your needs. Whether group or individualized (3 or fewer participants) training, instruction is tailored to your industry and its specific challenges. You’ll finish not embarrassed to pick up the phone, but energized to dial up new appointments and sales.
Check out Paul’s group (6 sessions) or individualized (4 sessions) packages, and contact him today. Sales success is a call away. Are you ready to answer?

Individual Training Sessions (3 or less students)
Session One: The Pre-Call preparation is everything. What does one do before picking up the phone? The war is won or lost here.
While you’re at it, throw out everything you’ve been told about cold calling: You’re not supposed to sell, you’re not supposed to qualify a prospect, and you’re not supposed to get them to like you. Discard these tired, ineffective practices.
Instead, focus on philosophy. Cold calling is not a tool. It’s a starting point. Three foundational principles will rewire a student’s perceptions about how selling should be done.
Focus on strategy. Be proactive and assertive. Who needs what we’re selling? When do we call? Who do we ask for? What do we say?
Here’s where it gets granular. Identify your ideal client in explicit detail. Identify when they need you. Identify the industries and organizations where your ideal client is found.
Session Two: A sales professional can get in front of anyone, anytime, if they understand Cold Call Psychology. They can win the ensuing interaction with smart Cold Call Structure.
Effective cold calling isn’t about what you say. It’s about emotions, and feelings, and connectiveness. Can you pique a prospect’s curiosity? Create urgency? Differentiate yourself? Elevate the mood? Yes, you can … and get them hanging on every word, too.
Sure, your script still plays a part. But forget everything you’ve learned about call scripts. They’re one piece of a much bigger picture of structuring a call. Believe it or not, the KISS method (Keep It Simple, Stupid) applies. Why overcomplicate things?
This is the playbook for cold call success. It works anywhere. Learn it, and you’ll never need sales training again. Consider this a career investment.
Session Three: The seeming impediments to cold calling never change: voicemail. Gatekeepers. Objections. Here’s where you learn to Overcome Obstacles.
How? Prepare to be amazed. You’ll learn how to leave voicemails that get return calls. Turn gatekeepers into advocates. Utilize rebuttals that work every time.
You’ll finish script diagramming, too. Now you’re armed and ready. Time to take what you’ve learned to the streets.
Session Four: Pick up the phone. Start calling. This live, in-person Skills Demonstration tests all you’ve learned. If changes are needed, you’ll find out soon … and can make corrections in course.
Session Four is the last formal, in-person instruction session. Paul’s training doesn’t end there, though. You’ll enter the Daily Call Log phase.
Make at least 5-10 cold calls daily. Record the results in a log.
Paul will personally review them. If you aren’t setting more appointments in fewer calls, and successfully engaging gatekeepers, and realizing valid, quantifiable ROI … he’ll be back with follow-up coaching. He’s not satisfied with anything less than notable, provable success … nor should you be.
Paul’s Individual Cold Call Training is for solo entrepreneurs, micro-business owners, and sales professionals whose employers don’t offer training. Just because you’re not part of a big organization, doesn’t mean your dreams or ambitions aren’t large. Ready to show the big boys a thing or two? Contact Paul today to get started.
Group Training Sessions (4 or more students)
Session One: The Pre-Call preparation is everything. What does one do before picking up the phone? The war is won or lost here.
While you’re at it, throw out everything you’ve been told about cold calling: You’re not supposed to sell, you’re not supposed to qualify a prospect, and you’re not supposed to get them to like you. Sheez! What else is left?
Focus on philosophy. Cold calling is more than a tool. Subtle nuances in its use make all the difference. Three foundational principles will rewrite a student’s perceptions about how selling should be done.
Focus on strategy. Be proactive and assertive. Who needs what we’re selling? When do we call? Who do we ask for? What do we say?
Here’s where it gets granular. Identify your ideal client in explicit detail. Identify when they need you. Identify the industries and organizations where your ideal client is found.
Session Two: A sales professional can get in front of anyone, anytime, if they understand Cold Call Psychology. Embrace the KISS method (Keep It Simple, Stupid) to cure phone phobia and reluctance. Become a great salesperson, regardless of market.
How? Effective cold call psychology has nothing to do with what you say. Rather, it’s how you make a prospect feel. Pique their curiosity. Create urgency. Differentiate yourself. Elevate the mood from the get-go. Make them hang on every word. Getting intrigued?
Session Three: Everyone has a call script, right? Toss it. Replace with smart Cold Call Structure. Yes, script diagramming is a part. Yet there’s so much more. Grasp the big picture, and you’ll never need sales training again.
Best of all, these practices are replicable, scalable and transferable. The approach works anywhere. You’re set up a for a career of sales success.
Session Four: Every sales rep knows the biggest impediments to cold calling: voicemail. Gatekeepers. Objections. How do we Overcome Obstacles?
Prepare for revelations. You’ll learn how to leave voicemails that get return calls. Turn gatekeepers into advocates. Utilize rebuttals that work every time.
Each member of your team is different. So personalize cold call scripts to match their voice, personality and strengths. Confidence, and anticipation, grows. Are you feeling it yet?
Session Five: The rubber meets the road. It’s time for Skills Demonstrations.
Every team member reads their script, to (hopefully positive) feedback. Games ensue – are you ready for the always-popular Rebuttal Game? Next, prepare for plenty of curveballs in simulated role playing.
Now, here we go – live cold calling, broadcast via speaker to the entire team. Do members’ scripts work? Can they execute what they’ve learned? This is the moment of truth. It’s exciting or nerve-wracking, depending on one’s perception.
Session Six: Voicemails are being returned. Appointments are being scheduled. Now what? Be prepared with Strategic Next Steps.
Motivated to monetize? Know how. Understand how to run smart meetings. Learn how to close business. The window is open. Don’t let it close prematurely.
Want to make every meeting count? Check out Paul’s Excellence in Business Acumen program, a deep-dive into making every sit-down a spectacular success.
Session Six is the last formal, in-person instruction session. Paul’s training doesn’t end there, though. You’ll enter the Daily Call Log phase.
Every team member should make at least 5-10 cold calls daily. The results are noted in a log.
Paul personally reviews the outcomes. If your team – or specific members – aren’t setting more appointments in fewer calls, and successfully engaging gatekeepers, and realizing valid, quantifiable ROI … he’ll be back with follow-up coaching. He’s not satisfied with anything less than notable, documentable success … nor should you be.
Paul’s Group Cold Call Training is for those unafraid to chuck what hasn’t worked, and embrace an approach proven across multiple market segments and different audiences. The longer you wait to contact him, the longer your team waits on success!