Social Media Myth #1 LinkedIn is NOT Facebook The first of 6 social media myths that may be holding you back from being successful. Many people say LinkedIn is NOT Facebook. Paul tells you [...]
6 Myths of Social Media—Video Series Coming Soon! Join Paul for a 6-part video series in which he tackles 6 myths of social media that may be holding you back.
TIME MANAGEMENT TIP #5 Tie a Personal Reward to Each Task Last tip in the series! In video 5 I will show you how to give yourself some incentives to stay focused on your task list and slay your day!
TIME MANAGEMENT TIP #4 Minimize Distractions This is a big one! In video 4 I will give you a few tips on how you can minimize distractions and focus your day.
Be Careful What You Ask For? “Some of God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.” – Garth Brooks Country music tends to generate strong feelings. Most people, it seems, either love it or loathe [...]
“Setback” … or Setup? “Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation.” – Michael Jordan The greatest basketball player of all time – Michael Jordan – was cut from his high [...]
“This is a wonderful day. I’ve never seen this one before.” – Maya Angelou Everyone is asked this question occasionally: “How was your day?” If posed after a workday, the responses might [...]