About Paul
A Man on an “Unconventional” Mission

Paul M. Neuberger began his career as a keynote speaker by nearly killing himself. Seriously.
Then again, there’s nothing conventional about Paul, a man who relishes the concept of punching conventional wisdom in the face. His motto is “Making the impossible, possible.” Getting a clearer picture?
A devout Christian, Paul didn’t buy the (supposedly) tried-and-true notion of “keep religion and business separate.” He founded C Suite for Christ, a faith-based fellowship for professionals, which boasts international reach and a social media following in the tens of thousands.
An accomplished sales trainer, Paul first made a name for himself as The Cold Call Coach. Cold calling? You mean the sales practice that everyone dreads? Yes indeed. Paul actually likes cold calling, has been very successful at it, and teaches others how to do so fruitfully. His book, “The Secrets to Cold Call Success,” is an Amazon best-seller.
A free thinker and truth seeker, Paul spearheaded the creation of Young Guns, a movement that encourages entrepreneurs and professionals to speak up, be real, and share the most authentic version of themselves. The world is a fast-moving place. They’re changing how business gets done.
In between, Paul lives in Colgate, Wis., with his wife, Tanya, and their three children. The most important part of his unconventional life is the most conventional of all. He wouldn’t have it any other way.
A few years ago, Paul nearly worked himself to death. He was a mess, stressed out and alienated from those who meant the most to him. God stepped in. Paul let Him take charge. Paul’s career took off, and he was soon speaking to audiences in the tens of thousands, inspiring and empowering people to use their unique qualities for success and fulfillment.
A slightly unconventional path? Maybe so. For Paul, it’s the only one to follow.