Executive | Keynote Speaker | Entrepreneur | Sales Trainer
Why does Paul M. Neuberger do all that he does? Discover the motivation behind the man.

Meet Paul M. Neuberger
Can nearly killing yourself be a good career move? (I don’t recommend this approach, by the way).
The day in mid-2017 when my doctor said “You’re killing yourself” was beyond transformative.
He wasn’t kidding, either. I was working like a dog. Ignoring my health. Neglecting my family. I was focused on nothing but the next gig, the next client, the next opportunity.
I literally fainted during a presentation. Collapsed right in front of an audience. Boom! Hit the floor. Out like a light.
My body was a wreck. The rest of my life was close behind.
So, when my doctor uttered his fateful warning … the light finally came on.
The light was God taking control. For once, I let go and quit fighting. Since then, blessing after blessing has embraced me.
Making The Impossible Possible.
Paul M. Neuberger is a successful sales keynote speaker, business professional, and master networker who lives his daily life rooted in the Word of God and always looks to improve the lives of everyone around him. Paul has a passion for helping people to make the impossible possible. He has relentless drive for success for everyone he works with.
Paul’s Passions
Motivational and Passionate Approach
Paul has touched the lives of tens of thousands of people via his sales training and keynote speaker programs.